Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tom Cruise, where's the BABY!

Where is that baby? Well it's been a week since my last post and I must say I'm shocked to find that Katie Holmes hasn't given birth yet. Of course if the baby can sense anything she/he/they can probably tell that the world is watching. Who wants to come out to a world on them? The baby needs a bit of air and doesn't want cameras in his/her/their face. Can ya really blame them?

In recent news....

Over the weekend Tom Cruise went to do an interview in Germany on Katie Holmes' due date. AKKK! That is one very forgiving woman, I'd have shot him. Okay, not really but wow. He claimed that if he got the call Katie went into later he was hoping on a jet to get back to her before the baby was born. How was that happening? How far away is Germany? Yet, he would just wisk right back during labor, who is to say how long Katie Holmes will be in labor. I was only in labor for less than 2 hours.

During the interview Tom Cruise was asked if they had picked a name out for the baby. His only response was yes. Hmm, is it a girl or a boy. He is also so nervous that she's passed her due date that he is giving her spicy food. Hmm, does that really work? I tried that, intercourse, walking a LOT and red leaf raspberry tea. Didn't work for me, but maybe it will for Katie Holmes. Any tricks that worked on you that you could tell Katie Holmes? If they are seriously worried about passing the due date I'd say check her into a hospital and see if they need to induce her.

Katie Holmes was caught on a shopping spree at a baby store and picked out a lot of "Pink Stuff." Of course it was also reported back in December that she had went on a shopping spree and picked out a bunch of "blue outfits." Could she had already stocked up on boy items and was now getting the girl outfits? Could she have twins? It is possible.

This week's news...
Katie Holmes still hasn't given birth. However, all over the net you will find reports that Tom Cruise has ordered a custom fit adult pacifier to give to Katie Holmes when she goes into labor. Man, how is she suppose to bite down when she needs to be screaming to push. Last thing you want to do is suck when you are in labor.

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