The honeymoon had to end early, no not because Tom's best man wasn't around. Maldives ended up with a lot of bad weather, which in turn had them run for cover back in the states. The pictures of them arriving on land actually had them looking like they caught some sun, even though it rained most of the time. There are many shots of the couple actually holding Suri, so be prepared I think now that they are married we'll be seeing a lot more of that adorable little girl.

Rumor has it that while they were in Maldives the couple purchase a home. I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate or not but if it is they won't be moving into it for a while. According to rumors, the neighbors had a their cesspool drained, which is causing some horrible smells. Ikkk.
Katie has already been seen hanging out with Victoria Beckham with Suri Cruise. Victoria is currently house hunting in LA, but more on that in a later post. Oh and don't think that just because the honeymoon ended short that Tom's not going to let her go on another. The couple have already booked a place and they will be leaving little Suri with family while they go on this one.
Tom and Katie are also hosting a post-wedding party for all those guests they forgot to invite or couldn't show up to the wedding. I wonder if Oprah will be there.
Tags: Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Suri Cruise
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