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Friday, December 04, 2009
RUMOR: Lindsay Lohan Caught Kissing Alba's Husband
Could the rumors really be true? Did Lindsay Lohan and Warren Cash, Jessica's Alba's husband, really kiss at a club? The rumor is both went out with friends and ran into each other at West Hollywood's Villa and soon forgot they came with friends. The two were chatting a lot but after an hour, friends looked over and almost didn't recognize them as their tongues were down each other's throats.
You can't say this is all Linday's fault as I know a lot of people will, granted she knew he was married and has a child. Homewrecker? You could say that but you must think about how it happened? Why did Warren kiss her? I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this, especially when Jessica Alba gets wind of this.
Another rumor floating around:
-there was already trouble in the marriage and it was on rocky ground
-Lindsay Lohan could be falling for Warren (Could this be the end for Sam Ronson forever?)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Katie Holmes Spends $25,000 a Month on Suri
spends $25,000 per month on Suri. Now I'm not meaning on Suri, but on just her clothing. I'm not sure what she spends eating out, lattes, toys, shopping for whatever, etc.
I can't even picture spending that type of money per month on clothes. I hope she gets her designer everything. Course I still find that silly since little kids grow out of clothes so quickly. Trying to picture the things she buys for her, here's a short list:
Suri's clothes:
- 2 $1500 dresses from a Beverly Hills boutique
- 1 $5000 cricket-shaped pendant
- 4 Christian Dior dresses
- 1 Ivory Christian Dior coat
- 4 pairs of specially-made Gucci shoes
- $3000 shopping spree at Barneys
Other clothes she gets Suri are well-known designers such as: Giorgio Armani, Donatella Versace, Roberto Cavalli and Burberry.
Why does she do it?
"Katie wants Suri to be the most fashionable kid in Hollywood," a source told
Britain's Grazia magazine. "Dressing Suri in amazing outfits has become Katie's
favourite hobby. She will scour the internet and Beverly Hills shops to find
items and get inspiration for different looks."
I guess if all of us were in the spotlight, we'd want our children to look their best too.
The Automated Man

Friday, November 20, 2009
Miley Cyrus Tour Bus Kills One

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lindsay Lohan's Dad Sells her out

Michael actually gave Radaronline the permission to use his daughter, Lindsay Lohan's desperate call to him. She calls her father and tells him how she is with someone that knows she is always there for them but they are never there for her. You can hear as she reaches out for him and even tells him her own mother says she is like he was. She even goes on to admit she knows no one cares for her that way.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Lindsay Lohan Claims Sis is Okay to Party

"She's tougher than I am. She has a good head on her shoulders. Maybe it was different for me because I didn't know what to expect and it just happened really fast. I didn't have a big sister."Do you think Ali will take after her big sister and be a party girl? Or do you think she'll learn from her sister's mistakes and go the opposite way? So far, just seeing that she is constantly being dragged to one party after another by Lindsay Lohan, I'm guessing Ali is going to start becoming a major party girl within the next two years. Guess Lindsay will wish she didn't encourage it then.
By the way, Lindsay is dragging her 15 year old sister to parties at bars.
Kourtney Kardashian's Burglary May have Been Inside Job

Here's what TMZ stated on their site:
Kourtney and Scott were only away from the house -- which is in a gated community -- between 7 PM and 8:30 PM on the night of the buglary. So whoever ransacked their place had to know where all the jewels were stashed in order to pilfer so much stuff from the place in such a small amount of time.
Source: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/22/kardashian-burglary-inside-job/#ixzz0UzIVHCLH
Countess Elizabeth

Dracula The Un-Dead
Hardcover: 432 pages
Publisher: Dutton Adult (October 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0525951296
Price: at amazon.com it is $15.75
The product description on Amazon.com reads:
Bram Stoker's Dracula is the prototypical horror novel, an inspiration for the world's seemingly limitless fascination with vampires. Though many have tried to replicate Stoker's horror classic- in books, television shows, and movies-only the 1931 Bela Lugosi film bore the Stoker family's support. Until now.Will you go purchase it? Can you picture if they make this into a movie?
Dracula The Un-Dead is a bone-chilling sequel based on Bram Stoker's own handwritten notes for characters and plot threads excised from the original edition. Dracula The Un-Dead begins in 1912, twenty-five years after Dracula "crumbled into dust." Van Helsing's protégé, Dr. Jack Seward, is now a disgraced morphine addict obsessed with stamping out evil across Europe. Meanwhile, an unknowing Quincey Harker, the grown son of Jonathan and Mina, leaves law school for the London stage, only to stumble upon the troubled production of "Dracula," directed and produced by Bram Stoker himself.
The play plunges Quincey into the world of his parents' terrible secrets, but before he can confront them he experiences evil in a way he had never imagined. One by one, the band of heroes that defeated Dracula a quarter-century ago is being hunted down. Could it be that Dracula somehow survived their attack and is seeking revenge? Or is their another force at work whose relentless purpose is to destroy anything and anyone associated with Dracula?
Dracula The Un-Dead is deeply researched, rich in character, thrills and scares, and lovingly crafted as both an extension and celebration of one of the most classic popular novels in literature.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Kourtney Kardashian's Home gets Burglarized

It has been estimated that $80,000 in jewels were taken. OUCH! Oh and for those wondering, Kourtney is the pregnant Kardashian.
One question, was this an inside job or had someone been watching her to see when she'd leave her house. You noticed she was burglarized once she was gone. Another question....will they find all her jewels?
Friday, October 09, 2009
Paris Hilton bought a Piggy

IMG: http://twitpic.com/kuuwf
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Jon Gosselin gets Punched by Nancy Grace
Wow, did anyone see that interview between Nancy Grace and Jon Gosselin? Talk about a man looking scared out of his mind. He had no clue what to say to her and all he kept doing was stumbling on his own words.
Q1: Are you an unfit father?
A: Absolutely not, I quit my job to spend every day with my kids. That's why they call me all the time.
Q2: Are you really ready to own up to everything you've done?
A: Absolutely, I've already apologized to Kate and the kids. He also stated that he tried getting Kate to therapy but she refused.
Q3: Do you love Kate? Are you still in love with Kate? Do you love Kate in any sort of way?
A: I will always love her as the mother of my kids. (AS so no he doesn't)
Q4: Did you and Kate have any type of sexual life in the last few years?
A: Yes, back in August of last year. OUCH! He also states that Hailey is the only other person he's been intimate with.
Q5: Why won't you go through with the divorce?
A: I don't want to work with TLC, etc.
Q6: Jon did you take out $230,000?
A: No, I have a bank reciept for $22,000. Hmm, so who is lieing? Kate stated that Jon withdrew $230,000 from the family account.
Nancy jumps back in and her first statement is that Jon and Kate need to go to therapy and stop fighting in front of the kids. Jon agrees and brings it all back to him, he states he knows he was passive, he knows he was an avoider.
Q: Why move to New York and be that far from the kids?
A: I have to think about my career so I can pay for my kids as well.
Later we will see evidence of Kate not being honest about the bank account. Any thoughts?
Friday, October 02, 2009
Is Jon Gosselin Moving to L.A.?
Uh oh, look out Los Angeles! Jon Gosselin was spotted in Los Angeles just yesterday looking at houses. Could it be true that he actually wants to move on down to the Hollywood area to get a bit more photography pics? I mean we all know how much he just loves the camera and now that he's banned cameras from his property from filming he won't be getting much action down there.
How many believe he'll move to the LA area? If he does move dow that mean he'll be flying the kids out every other weekend? Or will he fly out to visit them?
David Letterman Confesses to Affairs with Women on his Staff
Last night David Letterman admitted to getting an extortion letter.
It started 3 weeks ago, yesterday, and he admitted to going to his car to find a package inside his car. Inside the package he finds a letter that says, "I know that you do some terrible, terrible things." There were items in the package to prove he did the horrible things. Apparently the person that left the package wants to put all this into a movie and expose Letterman unless he pays him. People this is called extortion or blackmail.
Letterman called his attorney and met with the guy, the man informed them that if he didn't get the money he'd go public. Letterman went to the police and was informed to have another meeting with him and make sure it really was real. The man said yes and wanted $2Million for it. The third meeting they had the check for the amount, but he didn't realize it was fake.
David Letterman ended up having to expose himself and he told the show that he had done things. The guy has been arrested, a book and movie will not be created and Letterman did have sexual affairs with females that work for him on the show. He says it would be embarrassing for the women if it were revealed but it is for them to speak about it, but he will not.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sarah Michelle Prinze Has a Girl!

This past Saturday our beloved Sarah Michelle Prinze, aka Buffy the Vampire Slayer, gave birth to a little girl. I'm sure by now Sarah and husband Fred Prinze are at home oohing and ahhing their baby girl. By the way, Sarah recently changed her last name from Gellar to Prinze, I'm guessing she wanted all of them to have the same last name.
Name: Charlotte Grace Prinze
There are no other stats at this time but I'm sure they will announce it soon.Congratulations go out to the happy couple.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tom Cruise Presents the IMAGEN Award
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tom Cruise and Family sleeps in the Park

Oh there is no where that isn't home for this family, Tom Cruise took his adorable little family to the Melbourne Botanical Gardens this past week and apparently they got a bit tired. Suri fell asleep in mommy, Katie Holmes', arms and Tom gently helped Katie lay on the ground. Tom laying beside her, it looked as if the entire family would soon fall fast asleep. But with the waiting cameras it didn't seem that Tom got much sleep.
I swear with all the cameras I'm surprised he's so friendly to the media.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Katie Holmes Running with Suri

Katie Holmes was spotted running around at Mount Macedon in Australia, it looked as if they were playing tag. I love that Suri sticks her tongue out as she runs, I was always told that I did that as a child. The pair traveled all around the set for "Don't be Afraid of the Dark" as Suri ran, walked, jumped through the leaves and marched along with her mom.
I've noticed the big difference between just last year at this time and now, Katie Holmes tends to dress Suri more appropriately. Suri was seen in aqua colored leggings, a dark colored shirt with a dark blue zipper jacket. She is also wearing white boots with colored spots on them, her hair was flying all over the place.
Katie was bundled up in a heavy black jacket, , colorful scarf, white shirt and blue jeans. She had her hair loose too and it was flying around everywhere.
PIC: GossipGirls
Katie Holmes Escapes Car Fire
Katie Holmes is really SuperGirl and knows just how close she came to danger just last weekend. She had been filming a scene inside a car for "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" and the car exploded in flames just after she had got out a few minutes before. It doesn't seem like this was a planned explosion, so she got very lucky and after the fire was out Katie was seen very shook up but she seemed to be able to go on filming even after this happened. So glad to hear she wasn't hurt during this.
For those that are curious she is being stalked by little evil gnomes and they were bugging her inside the car. However, (not part of the movie) the car battery exploded and the car caught fire. Thankfully they got to it before the whole car went up in flames. The crew removed that battery and went on filming. I am now wondering if this will be added into the movie.
Hopefully the rest of the filming will go off without any more explosions that weren't in the script.
Legally Blondes

I’ll look for a youtube version of it, but if not I’ll try keeping you posted as I’m sure my girls will definitely want to see this. The picture in the magazine shows two blonde teen girls with long straight hair, everything is pink. They’ve got pink flats, pink dresses, bracelets, jewelry, sunglasses and even their dog leashes are pink. Once again it looks like the mini dog, the chicawa is back. I’m sure this will be a tale of two girls in a high school and able to drive and such. If you are a “Legally Blonde” fan you can watch the original 1 & 2 at 4pm/3 central on Sunday.
It seems two blonde twins are moving into Hollywood and they are going to change the way the school does things. When one faculty member tries to come down on the girls for the way they dress, errr change their uniforms she tells them the code that states they must wear the uniforms. They reply back with another code stating it doesn't say they can't accessorize said uniform. hehe. Sounds like another Elle Woods on this school's hands. Course this one is double trouble. Were you able to watch it?
Is Katie Holmes moving to Sex in the City?

Is Katie Holmes really moving to "Sex in the City" from "Dawson's Creek"? I guess this would definitely show she's grown up and a woman now instead of some teen girls that so many of us remember. But as far as the role would go I can totally see her fitting the part. These are powerful business women that work in New York, so it wouldn't be a stretch for someone like Katie Holmes to play this part, I mean she is "Cruise's wife."
The shooting would begin this Fall, which would mean if Katie does take this part or gets it she would go immediately from Australia to New York. I think this would definitely put her back on track for her movie career but is Tom willing to split his time with his wife? I did hear that they really loved the first Sex in the City movie so I think this would be a fun one for her and hope she gets it. I know I'd go see it if she got the part.
Oh the part is:
"The character they want her to play is a really ballsy, high-powered company executive who tangles with Samantha."
What do you think? Would Katie fit into the Sex in the City life?
To all my readers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hayden Panettiere Splits with Milo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Order those FTD Flowers Today

You'll be able to find yummy chocolates like, you can get teddy bears with sweets, boxes of fruits for the diabetic or someone on a diet, chocolate truffles, chocolate pretzels and so much more.
Now don't forget to add those bouquets, you'll surely win her heart with candy and flowers. You can get the premium rose bouquet for $49.99 or the gorgeous FTD Valentine's Day Bouquet for $62.99. I think this last one is just breathless, it isn't something you see every day plus you still get the roses. Add chocolates like Godiva and a small or large teddy bear.
What are you hoping for this Valentine's Day?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Madonna's Got a New Man
In the past few weeks she has been one really busy lady, first she just finished a beautiful photo shoot with Louis Vuitton, famous for its' bags. One picture has Madonna legs open in a restaurant booth, one leg holding up the bag.
Monday, January 05, 2009
John Travolta Died
This is a statement they released today:
"We would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thanks to everyone who has sent their love and condolences. Jett was the most wonderful son that two parents could ever ask for and lit up the lives of everyone he encountered. We are heartbroken that our time with him was so brief. We will cherish the time we had with him for the rest of our lives. We have received many messages of condolence from around the world and we want to thank everyone for their prayers and support. It has meant so much to us. It is a beautiful reminder of the inherent goodness in the human spirit that gives us a hope for a brighter future."
With love,
John, Kelly and Ella