Crowds line up for the release of the newest Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
In London fans would wait for hours. Quoted from Forbes,
"It's all that matters to him, to get this book - he couldn't eat or sleep," mother Laura Helmy said of her 15-year-old son, Bobby, who purchased the novel at midnight in central London.
With the United States however, those that lived on the West Coast actually had to wait 3 hours after those on the east coast got their books. Everyone had to wait until midnight in their time zone to have the Harry Potter book in their hand. No, they couldn't do it once midnight EST time.
Over 5000 people were lined up outside Waterstone's bookstore on Piccadilly in central London. Eeeek, can you picture being in that line? Maybe if I was the first person there.
In China, bookstores sold more than 200 books in a matter of 40 minutes.
NY City wasn't any different from the rest of the world. Lines all around towns, big people as well as infants in strollers were lined up for the book. Children dressed in Halloween costumes, Harry Potter and witches.
My question for you is....do you have the book?
Photo Source: NYTimes
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