Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Jolie-Pitts to Add One More...

No, Angelina Jolie isn't pregnant, but she is expecting at least one more child by the end of this year. This time the wee one is a little boy from Prague, Czech Republic. Once this one is adopting he'll make number 5, four children are adopting and one is a birth child.

Angelina discovered the little boy while she was staying in Prague for the new movie, "Wanted." Wow, how do they find the time? I guess now that Shiloh is a year old it was time to bring another child into the house. But didn't Pax just get there?

Mr and Mrs Smith are sure making their very own family. A few months back Angelina stated she wanted a rainbow family. A rainbow normally has seven layers, depending if she is counting herself and Brad she'd need two more kids to make her rainbow family.

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