The Simpsons have finally reached 400 episodes and they are still going strong. Now did you ever have any doubt? I remember when they first aired, there was so much controversy over this show. I think it's the perfect show, it teaches so many lessons and honestly they are the typical American family.
Sure the big man is overweight, but ya gotta love that pot-bellied yellow guy with two strings of hair. This guy does everything he can for his family, even if he doesn't always tell them he loves them. My favorites were "Who Shot Mr.Burns?" and "House of Terrors (Halloween specials)." I also enjoyed any with Moe in them and the funny, scary clown. It's no wonder they are still airing, they have everything from comedy to lessons in it.
Growing up my favorites were Maggie and Margie, don't ask me why but I think it was Marge's hair and Maggie's mischievousness. Bart was funny as well, always getting in trouble, even when he didn't do it. I didn't like Lisa though, something about her. Now as an adult I love Lisa's determination, Homer's attitude and strive to provide for his family and Marge because ... well she just takes it all in. Who are your favorites?
Happy 400th Simpsons!!
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