Paris Hilton recently went on TV and announced that she wanted to change. The question now is do you think she will? We all know she can, but will she?
Here's the interview with Paris and Larry King:
Now you get to say what you believe will happen. Don't forget to leave a comment on the whole thing.
EntertainUs News is all about the stars and what they are doing now. Get caught up on all your latest stars and all the gossip!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Lindsay Lohan News: It was drugs!

Cops are announcing that Lindsay Lohan had tested positive for drugs the night she wrecked her car. Honestly, I already figured that out, that and drinking was her two common things during that time period. However, I do believe now she is trying to get herself clean.
TMZ reported,
"...toxicology reports conclude that Lohan, 20, had "nearly twice the legal limit" of alcohol and traces of blow in her bloodstream when she crashed her 2005 Mercedes SL-65 convertible into a curb on Sunset Blvd. around 5:30 AM on May 26. In California, drivers with a .08 or higher are legally drunk."
Will it be too late?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Divorce: Paul Glaser Files for Divorce
Paul Glaser, Co-star of Starsky & Hutch, filed for a divorce on Tuesday. Paul and Tracy Barone Glaser have been married now for 10 years and have a 9 year old daughter, Zoe. As of right now all anyone knows is that they are filing under, "irreconcilable differences", which can mean a lot of things.
Paul is seeking joint legal and physical custody of Zoe. I guess we'll see how this fight ends. It seems that when Hollywood gets divorced it all gets messy. I hope for the sake of Zoe these two parents can keep the peace.
Paul is seeking joint legal and physical custody of Zoe. I guess we'll see how this fight ends. It seems that when Hollywood gets divorced it all gets messy. I hope for the sake of Zoe these two parents can keep the peace.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Paris is in a Giving Mood
After being in prison for more than 3 weeks, Paris Hilton is already looking like a changed person. No one knows for how long just yet but we do know that she's keeping a low profile for now.
Paris took a page out of Nicole Kidman's book when she had a delivery come for the press/media yesterday. The delivery in question...her favorite fast-food joint, Taco Bell to the rescue. Two delivery people arrived at The Hilton's gate and announced they had a delivery from Taco Bell from Paris Hilton. At this time they were informed to pass the food out to the masses.
Paris' neighbors only thought they'd gotten rid of her, wait until the weekend comes.
Paris took a page out of Nicole Kidman's book when she had a delivery come for the press/media yesterday. The delivery in question...her favorite fast-food joint, Taco Bell to the rescue. Two delivery people arrived at The Hilton's gate and announced they had a delivery from Taco Bell from Paris Hilton. At this time they were informed to pass the food out to the masses.
Paris' neighbors only thought they'd gotten rid of her, wait until the weekend comes.
Tom Cruise Gets Shot Down

Germany officials told Tom Cruise that he will not be allowed to film Valkyrie on any of their Germany military bases due to his religion. I guess Tom's not used to being told no, he's still wanting to do it, in fact Paula Wagner released a statement yesterday stating Tom did in fact want to film the movie there and his belief wouldn't show in the story.
Guess we'll see, but I don't think this one will be filmed in its historical setting.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Paris Hilton is Free!

Paris Hilton was released this morning, at some point past midnight. My guess is they figured there'd be less traffic on the road, not counting the papparrazzi. She looked like she was in great spirits upon leaving the prison, course I wouldn't doubt it since she got out of that ugly, orange jumpsuit. Hmmm, I'm thinking she'll probably never wear another thing orange again.
On their way out of Lynnwood, they were stopped at a red light, and were swarmed by a storm of flashing lights. No it wasn't the cops, but the cameras, they were everywhere. People it is nothing new to see someone exit a prison. Get over it! No news on whether or not there'll be a party, but earlier this week Momma Hilton said there wouldn't be. I guess now we just wait and see, course Paris stated herself that she no longer wanted to hang out with the "Old friends, that got her in trouble."
Monday, June 25, 2007
Paris' Halfway House
It seems that Paris Hilton wants to shed a new skin, in fact she plans on making a Halfway Hilton. This would be a halfway house to those that are just coming out of the prison life to help them re-adjust to the outside world. While this may not be a new thing, it could be a rather interesting sight to see how it turns out. With all those lovely Hilton Hotels I can only imagine what a Hilton Halfway House would look like.
Paris is due to leave prison tomorrow, no time is being specified at the moment as I do believe they are going to try to escape without the press. Course Paris' parents may want to get a painter out and remove the graffitti that was placed on her wall in front of her house before she gets there.
Paris is due to leave prison tomorrow, no time is being specified at the moment as I do believe they are going to try to escape without the press. Course Paris' parents may want to get a painter out and remove the graffitti that was placed on her wall in front of her house before she gets there.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Prince Willima and Ex Reunite
I guess the flame still burns for these two, Associated Press just announced, they are back together. Kate Middleton and Prince William are ready to start over, or should that be continue from where they left off. I guess the statement, "Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder" least in their case.
Earlier this month both were spotted at a barracks party...together, to top things off it looks like Kate will be attending the memorial next month with him. Sorry girls, looks like he's taken.
Earlier this month both were spotted at a barracks party...together, to top things off it looks like Kate will be attending the memorial next month with him. Sorry girls, looks like he's taken.
Paris Escapes....

Paris will escape the plain, prisoned-barred life on Tues, June 26, actually she will be released on that day. Rumor has it she will NOT be having a party once she gets home, instead Momma Hilton has told the media that they are just going to have close family at the house and let Paris unwind. However on Wednesday Night you can catch Paris on Larry King.
You may have heard she was suppose to do an interview with NBC where they were going to pay her $1million for it but that is not happening. In fact they are denying they ever had the agreement.
Allison Gollust, from NBC, told TMZ after they reported NBC canceled Paris,
"There's nothing to pull the plug on because we never committed to this."
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Keith helped Nicole Celebrate 40

Keith decided to surprise Nicole Kidman and show up for her 40th birthday. Currently Keith has been on tour in the United States, while Kidman has been down under shooting a film called, "Australia."
Okay now my question is .... where were the kids? We all know Tom, Katie and Suri were down in France and we've seen pictures of Keith and Nicole for her 40th but no pics of Connor or Isabella.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Angelina Jolie wants 14 Kids!

Ackkk, run for the hills, this woman is crazy. Can you imagine? Wow!
No one knows for sure whether Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were serious when they commented that they wanted 14 children. Actually Angelina Jolie went on national television and stated she would like somewhere between 7-14. Brad stated he would like enough to form his on soccer team.
Either way, both are just CRAZY. I have four children myself and they can keep ya on your toes. But then again, this couple also has a staff to keep watch of their children. Hey, if ya got the power and the money to do I say go for it. Congrats to both of you for having the guts to do it!
Will Paris be Homeless?

I guess Paris' neighbors have all decided to use this time to evict or...or at least try. While Paris has been held up by prison her neighbors have been petitioning to get her moved out of the neighborhood.
Can they get her evicted though? Paris has never done anything wrong that I am aware of, but the neighbors no longer want to deal with the paparazzi that comes with her. While the neighbors wait they've decided to take just one more measure to ensure they'll have grounds, report her every time the media is near. Everyone knows that once Paris is released from prision the media frenzy will be hot on her tail. The idea is to call the cops when the noise starts up as well as the traffic gets backed up. I can only imagine having to live next door to that. Eeekk!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Could TMZ really be In Trouble?

TMZ reported yesterday that lawyers from the Goldman's were sending them to court, over posting the finds of "If I did It" on the net. Just last week the trustee of the book was given the okay to sell the book and give all proceeds to the Goldman family. But now that it has been leaked, it may not be worth as much. (I'm guessing this is the reason they are upset)
TMZ posted the link to the leaked version of the book and had a few posts with quotes from it. Should TMZ get in trouble? Another question....the judge is wanting to know WHO gave TMZ the leaked version of it. Should TMZ say? Remember this is a journalist and they are normally told things in the trust of not being found out. But at the same time, we also know it was wrong to leak the book out but all they did was copy the leaked version.
To me, the quote I read from the TMZ site was where OJ confessed to killing her. Hmm, is this grounds for arresting Simpson yet?
ACCKKK! A Harry Potter Spoiler

There's a hacker amongst us, at least that's what BBC News is telling us. Apparently someone, who calls themself "Gabriel" is posting they hacked into the Bloomsbury publishing system and downloaded a copy of the book.
Do we believe this guy? My guess is he'd just trying to ruin it for anyone and even if it is the case he doesn't give away everything. I'm calling his bluff on this one. Course if he really did do this I'd suggest having him arrested. Especially since he supposibly admits to breaking into the system and stealing content.
I will not say who he insists will die but I will say it would make since if he is correct. In the end, if it is true I hope J.K.Rowlings does the proper thing and teaches him a lesson. We have exactly a month before the book is released, I know I'll be buying it. Will you?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Debri Opri Wants her Reputation Back
For those that don't remember, Debra Opri WAS the lawyer for Larry Birkhead when he was losing DannieLynn. Now once he fired her, things started looking up for him...accept for the fact that now she's suing him. Go figure right? Well, as it turns out she was also the lawyer for Pamela Bach, who just lost complete custody of her two daughters she shares with David Hasslehoff. Ouch, maybe she should've fired Debri before going to court. But she did decide to go out and get a new one after losing her girls.
Whatever the case is, (could be just a bad luck streak, which no one wants to be a part of) Debra has vowed she will get her reputation back. I just hope it isn't too late. It would be horrible to spend all that time in a law field just to lose it now.
Whatever the case is, (could be just a bad luck streak, which no one wants to be a part of) Debra has vowed she will get her reputation back. I just hope it isn't too late. It would be horrible to spend all that time in a law field just to lose it now.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Keri Russell Gives Birth
Wow, so many stars are popping this week. Okay, sorry about that, they are giving birth. I never liked the word popping, made me sound like a turkey with a timer popping out.
On Saturday, June 9th, Keri Russell & Shane Deary gave birth to a little boy in New York. They named him River (I love it) Russell Deary. The birth wasn't announced until Monday, I'm guessing this gave them some peaceful moments with their son.
No details on birth stats though. Sorry folks, I'll try getting them.
On Saturday, June 9th, Keri Russell & Shane Deary gave birth to a little boy in New York. They named him River (I love it) Russell Deary. The birth wasn't announced until Monday, I'm guessing this gave them some peaceful moments with their son.
No details on birth stats though. Sorry folks, I'll try getting them.
Suri Cruise to Get a New Sibling...

That's right, rumor is Katie's expecting and what perfect timing. Remember the last time Katie got pregnant was the same time Tom Cruise was about to release War of Worlds and now he will have two films coming out. I don't think it'll bring as much drama as Suri though.
Congrats to the Cruise Family, I hope Suri gets a little brother this time. Wow, what a perfect Father's Day gift for Tom.
Julia Roberts Brings in a Son
Julia Roberts, from Pretty Woman, gave birth yesterday to a little boy. I know everyone was beginning to wonder that due date since she was kind of keeping it under wraps. But he's here!! Welcome to the world!
On Monday, Henry Daniel Moder entered the world weighing 8 1/2 lbs. I can't help but wonder if he wasn't named after his daddy, Danny Moder. Little Henry will be joining his twin brother and sister (Phinnaeus and Hazel) in the Moder Household. I'm sure they were very excited to see him.
Congratulations to the Moder Family!
On Monday, Henry Daniel Moder entered the world weighing 8 1/2 lbs. I can't help but wonder if he wasn't named after his daddy, Danny Moder. Little Henry will be joining his twin brother and sister (Phinnaeus and Hazel) in the Moder Household. I'm sure they were very excited to see him.
Congratulations to the Moder Family!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Victoria Beckham on Fashion & Katie's Hair

During an interview with AJ Calloway Victoria was asked if her friends were inspired by her, including Katie. "Oh god, I don't know. I inspire my friends, my friend's inspire me. I think she looks gorgeous." I'm guessing he wanted a reaction about her new hair cut.
For those that don't know, Katie Holmes, wife to Cruise, recently bobbed her hair like Victoria Beckham's.
So,how does BFF feel towards Katie's new hair cut? "She looks fantastic!" replied Victoria Beckham.
Kelly Clarkson Cancels Tour
Looks like earlier this week, Kelly Clarkson (who got her start from winning Idol in 2005) decided to part ways with her manager and canceled her tour. It appears her ticket sales weren't very high, but she will still be doing the one July 7th, so for all you fans out there she will be there.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Paris: Headed back to Jail

Paris Hilton has been transferred from the Twin Towers Medical facility back to Lynwood Jail where she will serve the rest of her sentence. Actually around 11 p.m. she arrived there last night. I guess this means she's no longer sick. Makes ya wonder what was wrong with her. If ya remember she was sent to the Twin Towers to undergo psychiatric testing to see if she should stay there or go to jail. Guess this means she's sane folks.
Do you think there'll be more stunts from "The Hiltons" before her time is up? My guess is we'll be seeing a lot more of their names now.
Brad Warns Jennifer about Her Man

Man this guy just can't quit, it's like an addiction when it comes to Jennifer Aniston. First he warned her when it looked like things were serious with her and Vince and now with her new boy she's been warned. Brad thinks this guy has a shady past and is afraid of her getting hurt. I wonder if it isn't a bit of's okay for him to move on but not her.
I wonder how Ang would feel if she knew? I mean I'm sure she has no clue yet that her partner is warning other men about their partners. Especially when the other woman is his ex-wife.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Drew Barrymore is a Dog
No, I'm not meaning she's ugly, but she is really a least in her latest movie adventure. Drew will be playing a dog named Chloe, in the new Disney animated movie, "South of the Border."
Chloe is a Chihuahua that wants to find home after getting lost in Mexico, when her owner loses sight of her. Chloe has always been a pampered pooch, living the high life in Beverly Hills and I'm sure we'll get a laugh out of how it is for her on the road. But along the way Chloe finds a bit of romance in the form of a dog named Papi, also a chihuahua.
No mention on when this movie will be in theaters.
Chloe is a Chihuahua that wants to find home after getting lost in Mexico, when her owner loses sight of her. Chloe has always been a pampered pooch, living the high life in Beverly Hills and I'm sure we'll get a laugh out of how it is for her on the road. But along the way Chloe finds a bit of romance in the form of a dog named Papi, also a chihuahua.
No mention on when this movie will be in theaters.
Anne Henchy Splits Boys
I guess it was announced that Anne Henchy had lost custody of her boys to her ex, Coley Laffoon. This is NOT the case! Anne Henchy, actually got a split deal where her son is to be with each parent 50/50. But Homer (their son) must reside in Los Angeles the entire time, which means when one goes to work on a film the other parent gets him full time.
Anne Henchy tried using all the ammo she had against Coley, even striking out by saying he spent lots of his time watching porn or playing poker. Course I don't think it helped matters that Anne had an affair with her co-star, James Tupper, which made Coley file for a divorce. He too had to use some ammo and struck back with, "poor parenting skills" and "bizarre and delusional behaviour," it doesn't look like the judge bought either of them, and decided to split the kid up.
Starting in August Homer will live full-time with his dad while Anne works in Vancouver filming, Men in Trees.
Anne Henchy tried using all the ammo she had against Coley, even striking out by saying he spent lots of his time watching porn or playing poker. Course I don't think it helped matters that Anne had an affair with her co-star, James Tupper, which made Coley file for a divorce. He too had to use some ammo and struck back with, "poor parenting skills" and "bizarre and delusional behaviour," it doesn't look like the judge bought either of them, and decided to split the kid up.
Starting in August Homer will live full-time with his dad while Anne works in Vancouver filming, Men in Trees.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Did the Hilton's Give Money?

Many believe that the "Hilton Money" actually gave Paris a "get out of jail free card." With recent events one can only wonder, why else would a sherrif allow Paris (who committed the same crime as many average joes) to go home. It sure seemed like special treatment at the time. I mean sure, to a rich girl it must've been unfair because well.... no spa treatments, no one let her hair person in and she had to get home in order to get that spray on tan they are announcing she got now.
So, you tell me....was the sherrif paid off? According to it seems that he was. Paris' father had been contributing to the sherrif's campaign fund for a couple of years now, it would only be fair for him to now release Paris. NOT! Last year Paris' father donated $1000 to the fund. WOW!
Whatever the case, just is being served now as Paris is back behind bars to serve out or crime.
Move over Happy Feet, The Surf's Up
Happy Feet is about to be moved back due to a new Penguin movie hitting the theaters, "Surf's Up!" I'm not sure how well this one will take in theaters, especially since there have already been 3 penguin movies.
Surf's Up: Young Cody is the star of the show, followed up by Big "Z" the laidback old penguin. Cody has grown up never feeling at home in his tiny Antarctica community and has longed for the beaches of California. He finally escapes and is brought to the house of an old penguin that only likes to sit and eat, later he finds out just who this penguin is. Cody even gets to meet his all-time hero, Big Z and gets a crush on a chick penguin named Lani. The story is all about being a good sport and knowing that winning isn't everything, it may make ya feel good for a bit but it is the effort that really counts.
Cody (Shia Lebeouf)
Big "Z" (Jeff Bridges)
Lani (Zooey Deschanel)
Surf's Up: Young Cody is the star of the show, followed up by Big "Z" the laidback old penguin. Cody has grown up never feeling at home in his tiny Antarctica community and has longed for the beaches of California. He finally escapes and is brought to the house of an old penguin that only likes to sit and eat, later he finds out just who this penguin is. Cody even gets to meet his all-time hero, Big Z and gets a crush on a chick penguin named Lani. The story is all about being a good sport and knowing that winning isn't everything, it may make ya feel good for a bit but it is the effort that really counts.
Cody (Shia Lebeouf)
Big "Z" (Jeff Bridges)
Lani (Zooey Deschanel)
Tom Cruise Works Out to Keep Katie

Guess Tom Cruise got sick of hearing everyone talk about that little tummy he has going. That or he's getting a little worried that Katie will turn eyes to those handsome hunks she's been working with. Tom knows he's much older than Katie and must work at looking good.
So, what is he doing to keep in shape? He's currently doing a 90-minute workout with pilates. Boy, pilates can be grueling too. He must really love her. Tom has already hired a trainer to help him out in his home and bought the latest exercise equipment. Not sure what it was but I'm curious now. I have an exercise bike, treadmill and a weight bench in my home. I can only imagine what he can afford.
How much does Tom work out? 7 days a week, but according to sources he's been doing pilates for years. Oh and Katie just LOVES Tom's body.
Nemo Sub Opens Up at Disneyland
The Little Nemo Submarine takes its voyagers on a 12 minute ride under the water. Everyone is able to see the world as Little Nemo would've saw it, except for the fact he was MUCH smaller.
The ride is actually a remake from their "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" ride that was closed several used back. The inside was painted Nemo Yellow and the windows talk about what is going on outside the portholes. It has also went from diesel to electronic.
Disneyland saw a spike in vistors once the opened up Little Nemo the Submarine ride. Could it be that it is summertime or more people like underwater rides? One will never know.
The ride is actually a remake from their "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" ride that was closed several used back. The inside was painted Nemo Yellow and the windows talk about what is going on outside the portholes. It has also went from diesel to electronic.
Disneyland saw a spike in vistors once the opened up Little Nemo the Submarine ride. Could it be that it is summertime or more people like underwater rides? One will never know.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Paris Hilton: Back Behind Bars

Hmm, was I right or what? The jailhouse has a revolving door, that's right folks, if ya didn't know Paris Hilton was released EARLY from jail yesterday and placed under house arrest for 45 days, due to "Medical conditions." However, the judge yesterday was not happy that she was released, neither was the attorney.
Today, Paris went back to court. The judge decided, the only way to be fair was to ALLOW Paris to go back to jail and serve out her time like the rest of the world would. When Paris was escorted out of the courtroom she was heard screaming, "MOM,MOM,MOM!" At this point she was supposibly brought straight to jail.
TMZ website is reporting that instead Paris was taken to the Twin Towers, which is a medical facility and will be staying there over the weekend. Her lawyer, of course, will be filing another petition stating that she is being held illegally.
There ya have it folks, I guess even the rich and powerful will do their time. That is unless their money gives too much pressure to others.
Liv Tyler Kissing Kate Bosworth

Liv and Kate were seen at lunch together catching up, normally this is nothing, but when they were seen lip to lip it got people talking. Are they a couple? Or is this a new trend among celebrities where you must kiss each other on the lips when ya see one another?
Honestly I doubt it was anything romantic since Liv is married, she was probably giving the rags something to chat about. Liv Tyler currently lives in NYC with her husband Royston Langdon and their son Milo. Her most recent movie was released in March, "Reign Over Me."
NEWS ALERT: Jolie-Pitt to Quit Movies

This is the latest rumor on Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, but they are supposibly retiring so they can actually become the family these kids need. No more nannies? Angelina has stated in the past that she was looking to take next year off, to relax and have some fun with her kids.
Currently Ang and Brad have four children, three are adopted (Maddox, Zahara and Pax) and one biological child, Shiloh. Right now they are looking to adopt another child, this time a boy from Czech Republic. But they don't want to just stop there, they want a couple more.
Angelina was recently quoted in Parade Magazine as to saying, "I think both of us only plan to work for a few more years." No wonder they did so many movies this past year, they were double teaming so they know for sure they'll have money for years to come, not that they really have to worry about it. Right now they've been taking turns staying home, Brad gets a movie gig and does that until it is over and launches it. He comes back, spends time as a family and Angelina goes off to do the movie thing. So it's understandable why they'd want to take a "vacation" from the movie business to spend some time as a FAMILY.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Paris Hilton & the LA Revolving Jailhouse
Earlier today Paris Hilton was RELEASED from prison, supposibly she had a medical condition that COULD only be treated at home. So, now she's under house arrest. Wow, talk about being treated unfairly. Flags go up for me though, even if it was depression she could be treated in jail. Wonder if it dealt with money issues?
Remember right after Paris was charged and sentenced everyone screamed she was being treated unfairly because she was a celebrity? Here are some things to think about:
A normal person (non-celebrity) gets fined, charged and sent to jail. A normal person goes to jail until the time is up, they take their punishment.
Paris Hilton (celebrity) gets fined, aired on the news, charged and sent to jail. But before going to jail decides to write everyone she can about how unfair it is because she's a celebrity. (hmmm, now if you were to say she didn't go to jail wouldn't that be unfair to the rest of us?) All things fail and she ends up having to go to jail, but is released EARLY, yes under "medical conditions."
A normal person (non-celebrity) as far as I know hasn't been sent home to be put on house arrest because of some "medical issue." My question is was the issue boredom? Or maybe the lack of photogs that needed her. Hmmm, maybe it was the fact that she's got LOTS of money? Either case I am calling this one a case of the "Celebrity Condition."
Now apparently this was not the judges decision, instead the LA Sherriff decided to let her go home. The other attorneys are going to try making her go back to jail to finish of her sentence like she should be. So we might be seeing a revolving door to that jailhouse pretty soon.
Remember right after Paris was charged and sentenced everyone screamed she was being treated unfairly because she was a celebrity? Here are some things to think about:
A normal person (non-celebrity) gets fined, charged and sent to jail. A normal person goes to jail until the time is up, they take their punishment.
Paris Hilton (celebrity) gets fined, aired on the news, charged and sent to jail. But before going to jail decides to write everyone she can about how unfair it is because she's a celebrity. (hmmm, now if you were to say she didn't go to jail wouldn't that be unfair to the rest of us?) All things fail and she ends up having to go to jail, but is released EARLY, yes under "medical conditions."
A normal person (non-celebrity) as far as I know hasn't been sent home to be put on house arrest because of some "medical issue." My question is was the issue boredom? Or maybe the lack of photogs that needed her. Hmmm, maybe it was the fact that she's got LOTS of money? Either case I am calling this one a case of the "Celebrity Condition."
Now apparently this was not the judges decision, instead the LA Sherriff decided to let her go home. The other attorneys are going to try making her go back to jail to finish of her sentence like she should be. So we might be seeing a revolving door to that jailhouse pretty soon.
Bob Barker Exits Price is Right...

At the age of 83, the host of "The Price is Right," Bob Barker is actually closing the doors. He finally decided that at his age it was time to retire. For those that didn't know "The Price is Right," was a game show where you chose what you thought the price was.
I remember things like: a can of soup, a car, a trip to Hawaii. There were many things, but I think my favorite thing as the wheel at the end. This is sure to be one smile that everyone misses.
Tune in on June 15th for your last chance to watch him on the famous show.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Lindsay Lohan's Mom to Use Kids...
Well while Lindsay Lohan is outta the picture it looks like her mother just can't stand not being in the papers. Rumor has it she tried to make it on "The View" but they turned her down, now rumors are flying that she'll be doing a reality show called, "Momager."
Momager will be her way of showing everyone her two other children and making them celebrities like Lindsay. Lindsay's two siblings are Ali and Cody, which are both under 15. I guess if one is out of the picture she can always get the others to make her a star.
You'd think instead of publicizing her other children she'd be trying to help the one that needs her the most at the moment and letting the others stay in school. Course it is summer time, let them hang out with friends.
Momager will be her way of showing everyone her two other children and making them celebrities like Lindsay. Lindsay's two siblings are Ali and Cody, which are both under 15. I guess if one is out of the picture she can always get the others to make her a star.
You'd think instead of publicizing her other children she'd be trying to help the one that needs her the most at the moment and letting the others stay in school. Course it is summer time, let them hang out with friends.
Jennifer Garner to Become Talk Show Host?
Jennifer Garner and pal, Lauren Sanchez-Whitesell, have been tossing the idea with networks about a talk show for moms from moms. Sounds promising to me, especially since not all of us are all about divorce shows and fighting on the stage. I think it would be great to have a place to watch other mothers dealing with the same issues.
The girls have described their ideas as, "The View" but for mothers given by moms. She'll talk about being married and being a mother to her little girl. Jennifer won't be the actual host, she's the executive-producer of the show. The show has no name yet but we should be hearing more about it in the coming months. Stay tuned.
The girls have described their ideas as, "The View" but for mothers given by moms. She'll talk about being married and being a mother to her little girl. Jennifer won't be the actual host, she's the executive-producer of the show. The show has no name yet but we should be hearing more about it in the coming months. Stay tuned.
The Jolie-Pitts to Add One More...

No, Angelina Jolie isn't pregnant, but she is expecting at least one more child by the end of this year. This time the wee one is a little boy from Prague, Czech Republic. Once this one is adopting he'll make number 5, four children are adopting and one is a birth child.
Angelina discovered the little boy while she was staying in Prague for the new movie, "Wanted." Wow, how do they find the time? I guess now that Shiloh is a year old it was time to bring another child into the house. But didn't Pax just get there?
Mr and Mrs Smith are sure making their very own family. A few months back Angelina stated she wanted a rainbow family. A rainbow normally has seven layers, depending if she is counting herself and Brad she'd need two more kids to make her rainbow family.
NBC Passions Ends
You might remember me posting about the soap, NBC Passions and how they would be ending this summer. DIRECTV has picked up Passions and will begin airing on September 17th.
To all those out there with DIRECTV no need to fear, but those that don't, looks like it's over for you. I'm one of those that don't have DIRECTV.
Curiuos to know who'll still be on the show? Here's a list:
Eric Martsolf (Ethan)
Ben Masters (Julian)
Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy)
Dylan Fergus (Noah)
Galen Gering (Luis)
Emily Harper (Fancy)
Lindsay Hartley (Theresa)
Liza Huber (Gwen)
James Hyde (Sam)
Juliet Mills (Tabitha
Heidi Mueller (Kay)
Tracey Ross (Eve)
Eva Tamargo (Pilar)
McKenzie Westmore ("Sheridan")
Erin Cardillo (Esme).
Gwen is still on the show? Well, her contract was renewed. Does this mean she could actually be the person behind the masked figure? I've wondered myself several times over the whole Theresa bit but a comment she made to Sheridan yesterday made me really wonder. About how Luis was Fancy's not hers. Hmmm, could she be angry that someone was trying to break a couple up because that's what Theresa always did? Only time will tell.
This week on Passions....Theresa must get Julian to decide if he'll take over the company, but this would mean stealing from his daughter. Will he do it? If he does he must keep quiet about Little Ethan actually being Ethan's son. Hmmm, makes one wonder. Sheridan has knocked out the masked figure and goes to get Ethan and everyone, but he/she escapes before they get back. Jessica confesses to her dad without realizing that he just found all the dead Johns. EEekkk! How will she get out of this one? Whitney was last seen packing up her bags to leave Chad. I missed this, did she catch him cheating? Tabitha must fight the evil witches to get her daughter back, and Kay discovers she actually has powers. How did she not know this whole time? There has been several times we saw she had them. Stay tuned ya'll, it's about to become an exciting summer.
To all those out there with DIRECTV no need to fear, but those that don't, looks like it's over for you. I'm one of those that don't have DIRECTV.
Curiuos to know who'll still be on the show? Here's a list:
Eric Martsolf (Ethan)
Ben Masters (Julian)
Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy)
Dylan Fergus (Noah)
Galen Gering (Luis)
Emily Harper (Fancy)
Lindsay Hartley (Theresa)
Liza Huber (Gwen)
James Hyde (Sam)
Juliet Mills (Tabitha
Heidi Mueller (Kay)
Tracey Ross (Eve)
Eva Tamargo (Pilar)
McKenzie Westmore ("Sheridan")
Erin Cardillo (Esme).
Gwen is still on the show? Well, her contract was renewed. Does this mean she could actually be the person behind the masked figure? I've wondered myself several times over the whole Theresa bit but a comment she made to Sheridan yesterday made me really wonder. About how Luis was Fancy's not hers. Hmmm, could she be angry that someone was trying to break a couple up because that's what Theresa always did? Only time will tell.
This week on Passions....Theresa must get Julian to decide if he'll take over the company, but this would mean stealing from his daughter. Will he do it? If he does he must keep quiet about Little Ethan actually being Ethan's son. Hmmm, makes one wonder. Sheridan has knocked out the masked figure and goes to get Ethan and everyone, but he/she escapes before they get back. Jessica confesses to her dad without realizing that he just found all the dead Johns. EEekkk! How will she get out of this one? Whitney was last seen packing up her bags to leave Chad. I missed this, did she catch him cheating? Tabitha must fight the evil witches to get her daughter back, and Kay discovers she actually has powers. How did she not know this whole time? There has been several times we saw she had them. Stay tuned ya'll, it's about to become an exciting summer.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Jennifer Aniston Buys Baby Stuff
Jennifer Aniston was recently seen shopping for baby items at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills. No, before you jump to conclusions she wasn't shopping because she's pregnant.
Jennifer is a good friend of Sheryl Crowe and was buying her new nephew a few items. She actually spent over $1000 at the store and bought 3 plush Kaloo baby toys. A source told TMZ that Aniston included a note to Wyatt (the new little man) that read:
That is just too sweet, I've noticed Jen spends lots of money on her friends' babies. I really hope that she will become a mommy really soon.
Jennifer is a good friend of Sheryl Crowe and was buying her new nephew a few items. She actually spent over $1000 at the store and bought 3 plush Kaloo baby toys. A source told TMZ that Aniston included a note to Wyatt (the new little man) that read:
Dear Wyatt, Welcome to the World! xxoo Jen.
That is just too sweet, I've noticed Jen spends lots of money on her friends' babies. I really hope that she will become a mommy really soon.
Monday, June 04, 2007
What Prisoners Think of Paris
Already Paris is causing waves in jail and she hasn't even been there more than a weekend. Heck, she didn't even have to say a word to them, just the minute they heard she was coming to town words were being said.
Paris Checks Into Prison
Paris is in prison! Late last night Paris surrendered herself to the Lynwood Police department and began her 23 jail sentence. Yes, it was even reduced from what it had originally been.
Paris of course is very afraid, but it sounds a bit more like a retreat without all the luxuries. Last week it had been posted that Paris was going to have a cell mate, now she is going to be in solitary for 23 hours a day. That's right, all by her lonesome, which means there is no way for anyone to harm her now. If anyone were to harm her it would be one of the staff members so you know that isn't happening...not with so much media on them. Paris will stay in her cell 23 hours a day, the one hour she gets out is to use the phone, take a shower and watch t.v. Hmmm, a bit relaxing and now she won't have to worry about the media.
Paris also plans on making money off this deal. Go figure right? While Paris sits in her jail cell she'll be penning away a novel of her time there. I'm afraid to read about her daily ramblings since she isn't going to be interacting with the rest of the society there. What's she going to talk about? Hmmm, I saw a piece of lint fly by, etc. Or maybe she'll just reflect stories of her life, with no interruptions I'm sure she'll have LOTS of time to think.
Either way, she's in jail doing her time for the crime. I do hope this makes all those other celebrities stop and think before doing stuff.
Paris of course is very afraid, but it sounds a bit more like a retreat without all the luxuries. Last week it had been posted that Paris was going to have a cell mate, now she is going to be in solitary for 23 hours a day. That's right, all by her lonesome, which means there is no way for anyone to harm her now. If anyone were to harm her it would be one of the staff members so you know that isn't happening...not with so much media on them. Paris will stay in her cell 23 hours a day, the one hour she gets out is to use the phone, take a shower and watch t.v. Hmmm, a bit relaxing and now she won't have to worry about the media.
Paris also plans on making money off this deal. Go figure right? While Paris sits in her jail cell she'll be penning away a novel of her time there. I'm afraid to read about her daily ramblings since she isn't going to be interacting with the rest of the society there. What's she going to talk about? Hmmm, I saw a piece of lint fly by, etc. Or maybe she'll just reflect stories of her life, with no interruptions I'm sure she'll have LOTS of time to think.
Either way, she's in jail doing her time for the crime. I do hope this makes all those other celebrities stop and think before doing stuff.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Army Wives a Summer Show
This summer we've got a new show to watch, it's called, "Army Wives." Ever wonder what it's really like in the Army? This is your chance to find out. I only wish they'd do one on Marine Wives, I tell ya I'd star in it or help ya out if ya need some info.
What is this show about?
It's about the Army, four women and one man brought together because they are all military spouses and must go through the same thing. Yes, it is true, sometimes it is only the woman that works in the military...times have changed.
1 A tribute is Born (June 3)
Roxy is a new army wife and must learn what it takes to be just that. But the moment they move on base they already begin to realize what it means to live in a military community, when even the military gets to tell ya how to cut your grass and their grass is already too high, even if they just moved in. She ends up getting stressed over bills and takes a job in a bar.
There's other characters such as:
Pamela- is a surrogate mother and pregnant with twins but doesn't want to learn the sex. EEkkkk, can ya imagine preparing for one but getting the opposite?
Claudia- who's hubby has just been passed over for promotion.
Roland- the spouse who's wife is in the military. His wife, Joan, has been serving "over there" and believes he won't love her anymore if he ever heard the stories.
Denise- her son is constantly hitting her but knows she won't tell his father because she wouldn't be the perfect wife.
The ending of this first show is with Pamela giving birth, but she can't quite make it to the hospital.
2 After Birth (June 10)
Jeremy is still beating his mom so she takes defense classes. Pamela must become a part-time mom when the actual parents of the twins aren't in the area to get their babies.
3 The Art of Seperation (June 17)
The women must all learn how to be away from their spouses when they leave from deployment. But now Roland and Joan must learn to become a family once again. <--very hard to do at times.
There is nothing on the episodes below, just a title and a date. I'm going to take a guess.
4 One of Our Own (June 24)
Since the hubbies are all deployed my guess is one of their own husbands or someone they know has been killed over there and they must all figure out how to help each other and move on.
5 Independence Day (July 1)
A big celebration for those that just came home, but for the ones still overseas it'll be hard for the families that are left behind to want to celebrate.
6 Who we Are(July 8)
Hmm, not sure on this one. In the Marine Corps this could mean a ceremony or "The Ball" which has a spot during it going back through all the military uniforms worn by Marines from the past.
Sounds like this will be a VERY good show, I'm definitely watching.
What is this show about?
It's about the Army, four women and one man brought together because they are all military spouses and must go through the same thing. Yes, it is true, sometimes it is only the woman that works in the military...times have changed.
1 A tribute is Born (June 3)
Roxy is a new army wife and must learn what it takes to be just that. But the moment they move on base they already begin to realize what it means to live in a military community, when even the military gets to tell ya how to cut your grass and their grass is already too high, even if they just moved in. She ends up getting stressed over bills and takes a job in a bar.
There's other characters such as:
Pamela- is a surrogate mother and pregnant with twins but doesn't want to learn the sex. EEkkkk, can ya imagine preparing for one but getting the opposite?
Claudia- who's hubby has just been passed over for promotion.
Roland- the spouse who's wife is in the military. His wife, Joan, has been serving "over there" and believes he won't love her anymore if he ever heard the stories.
Denise- her son is constantly hitting her but knows she won't tell his father because she wouldn't be the perfect wife.
The ending of this first show is with Pamela giving birth, but she can't quite make it to the hospital.
2 After Birth (June 10)
Jeremy is still beating his mom so she takes defense classes. Pamela must become a part-time mom when the actual parents of the twins aren't in the area to get their babies.
3 The Art of Seperation (June 17)
The women must all learn how to be away from their spouses when they leave from deployment. But now Roland and Joan must learn to become a family once again. <--very hard to do at times.
There is nothing on the episodes below, just a title and a date. I'm going to take a guess.
4 One of Our Own (June 24)
Since the hubbies are all deployed my guess is one of their own husbands or someone they know has been killed over there and they must all figure out how to help each other and move on.
5 Independence Day (July 1)
A big celebration for those that just came home, but for the ones still overseas it'll be hard for the families that are left behind to want to celebrate.
6 Who we Are(July 8)
Hmm, not sure on this one. In the Marine Corps this could mean a ceremony or "The Ball" which has a spot during it going back through all the military uniforms worn by Marines from the past.
Sounds like this will be a VERY good show, I'm definitely watching.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Michael Jackson Buys the Rights...
Michael Jackson seems to have something up his sleeve. He just bought the rights to Famous Music LLC from Viacom. He will now own the rights to these groups: Beck, Eminem, and Shakira. I'm not sure what his plans are, if he'll try to do some remakes or just make sure no one else can use them without his permission. He did make sure he'd be making money though, these are some really big hit songs.
Harry Potter Theme Park
Have you heard? There is going to be a Harry Potter Theme Park down in Orlando, Florida. Did ya ever really doubt there would be? Okay, I honestly thought California would get their hands on this first. I'm so going to this!
Currently the plans are being made but they believe it'll be ready by 2009. I'm sure no matter what there will still be hype of Harry Potter, even if there are no more books. After all, there'll still be the movies to come.
I wonder what date they'll open the doors, if it is anything like JK Rowlings book releases they'll open the gates at midnight on July 21. Wouldn't that be something? The crowd would be HUGE and I can picture all the Harry Potter actors/actresses to be present as well signing away for their fans.
Will you go?
Currently the plans are being made but they believe it'll be ready by 2009. I'm sure no matter what there will still be hype of Harry Potter, even if there are no more books. After all, there'll still be the movies to come.
I wonder what date they'll open the doors, if it is anything like JK Rowlings book releases they'll open the gates at midnight on July 21. Wouldn't that be something? The crowd would be HUGE and I can picture all the Harry Potter actors/actresses to be present as well signing away for their fans.
Will you go?
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